The world’s most comprehensive greatest largest guitarbook for learning to play guitar solos.LEARN PLAYING GUITAR SOLOS
Get tabs and notes with power chords, shred, solo playing, Modes, Arpeggios, Triads, 16th-Note Runs.Guitar solo.First of all, we would like to wish you all a wonderful day with your guitar. A heartfelt thank you for visiting our homepage GUITAR SOLO. The world’s most comprehensive greatest largest guitarbook for learning to play guitar solos.
Is it sometimes the same for you, that you love your guitar and at the same time you have the feeling that you have practiced enough? In this book, we have tried to combine all of the essentials that we need as guitar players. We are not friends of theoretical models or explanations and would rather emphasize the joy and fun of playing. For this reason, we have decided to let the book GUITAR SOLO speak for itself.